Alice Graysharp

Hi, I’m Alice Graysharp
and welcome to my website.
Thank you for joining my journey as a writer. I’ve greatly enjoyed putting together my first published novel The Keeping of Secrets and I look forward to receiving your feedback.
The Keeping of Secrets is precisely what it says on the cover. The keeper of family secrets, Patricia Adela Roberts grows up isolated and lonely. Trust no one and you won’t be disappointed is her motto. Three men fall in love with her and she learns to trust, only to find that their agendas are not her own. With secrets concealed from her by the ultimate love of her life, and with her own secret to keep, duplicity and deceit threaten their relationship.
In a coming of age story set against the sweeping backdrop of the Second World War - evacuation, the Battle of Britain, the Blitz, buzz bombs and secret war work - Patricia ultimately has to decide whether to reveal her deepest held secret for the sake of her future happiness.
Through my website I’d like to share with you something about myself, tell you about my writing influences, explore some of the background to The Keeping of Secrets, give you ideas for further reading about the places and events depicted, pass on to you some useful websites and take you forward on my journey to future projects.
Talk to me via this website’s Contact page - I’d welcome your feedback and questions.

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